*We Foundation now Metropolis Foundation

A Visit to the Lakshya Centre by Nishit Kumar, Centre for Social and Behaviour Change Communication.

The Foundation was very happy to host Mr Nishit Kumar, Founder Director and MD, Centre for Social and Behaviour Change Communication for a visit at the centre on 20th September 2018. SBC3 is an organization which creates communication strategies that help governments, multi-lateral agencies, NGOs and corporates influence behaviour and achieve programme objectives.Mr. Kumar was kind enough to speak with the attending students regarding the trainings and the resultant impact. He guided them in simple ways to identify the visible and not so visible changes in themselves. Short group exercises were undertaken to emphasize the rise in confidence and knowledge and identify the roadblocks that deter them from achieving success.

Mr. Kumar shared his views with the girls and encouraged them to continue their association with the Foundation so that they continue to empower themselves.