A wet dream is when someone has an orgasm when they are asleep. They are also called nocturnal emissions or sleep orgasms.

People of all genders have wet dreams. An orgasm is the peak of sexual pleasure. For people with penises, this happens along with ejaculation. Ejaculate means to release semen from your penis. Since people with vaginas squirt less often than people with penises, it will not be as obvious that they have had a wet dream. Instead, their vaginas become lubricated (or wet).

Studies show that teenage boys experience more wet dreams than teenage girls.

Causes And Prevention of Wet Dreams

When males go through puberty, their bodies start producing testosterone. This means one is able to release sperm. During puberty, you will start having erections during different times of the day- in school, while you watch TV, in the shower, or while you are asleep.

Semen builds up inside the body, and one way it gets released is with a wet dream.

Frequency of Wet Dreams

Wet dreams are a part of puberty and teen sexual health, but this does not mean every teen boy will have them. Whether you have them a lot or you don’t have any, your wet dreams frequency does not mean something is wrong with you.


When you wake up, clean yourself first. If you feel guilty about having a wet dream, try talking to someone like a parent, doctor, counsellor or another adult you trust.

Preventing wet dreams

You can’t do anything to stop wet dreams. However, some people notice that the wet dreams frequency is less if they masturbate or have partnered sex. If you are unsure about masturbating due to the myths surrounding it, read about the myths and facts about masturbation.

You may also have fewer of them if you don’t sleep on your stomach.

Lastly, having wet dreams is completely normal in teenage, and there is no reason to feel embarrassed about them. Learning more about the causes and prevention of wet dreams will also help teenagers become more comfortable to discuss topics related to their sexual health and wellness.